Mar 31, 2023
A telephone is an essential tool for any commercial real estate brokerage. What gives? Connecting with the locals and setting up call contact systems is simple. The opportunities are many for real estate agents.
So, you will ask, how do I do this please? Unfortunately, most agents and brokers don't devote enough time...
Mar 26, 2023
The real estate market has changed, and our clients and prospects have differing needs. In today's podcast, we share some unique strategies that can take you closer to the requirements of property owners and investors. List more properties by picking up on these focus points.
Use these ideas to grow your market share...
Mar 24, 2023
When you have a shopping centre to lease or manage, the leasing strategies that you apply to the process are essential to the result of the investment. In today's podcast, I share two strategies that will help you service your landlord clients with vacancy management and market rent growth.
You can get the whole...
Mar 21, 2023
In today's podcast we share a special part of our commercial real estate cold calling course to help you know how you can build a real estate listing prospecting model. If you want to know more about the full course you can check it out here
So this is a proven prospecting system for real estate agents. It is a...
Mar 12, 2023
In commercial real estate today, the listing opportunities are competitive, and yet somehow, you need to stand out as the best agent for the client's property challenge or focus. How do you do that with some reasonable level of success? You ask deeper and more direct questions that help you show your relevance and...