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Commercial Real Estate Broker and Agent Training and Coaching Worldwide by John Highman.  This podcast covers Sales, Leasing, and Property Management skills and topics in Office, Industrial, and Retail Properties Globally.  You can also get more resources at our main website at 

You can also subscribe to our Courses right here (it's free).

Mar 30, 2020

city at sunrise

In this new property cycle, there are things that are different in commercial real estate, but the property market is active.  Investors are waiting to place their money out of the banking system and stock market, into something that is more appealing and stable.  Commercial real estate is the investment channel...

Mar 25, 2020

city at sunset

The cold calling processing commercial real estate brokerage is more important than ever before as we move through the COVID-19 health event.

In this podcast today, we help you understand the strategies of making plenty of cold calls as part of your business day from now on. We also give you many ideas to help you...

Mar 21, 2020

The Covid19 world health event is actually an opportunity in commercial real estate.  There are plenty of people looking to move money from the sharemarket to commercial real estate. 

There are plenty of 'cashed-up' people wanting a good quality commercial property to purchase.

In this podcast today we share the logic...

Mar 16, 2020

Here are some facts about how you can boost your commercial real estate business in any property market.  Given all the challenges and changes in property lately with the health event globally, many property investors are looking for new investment channels and opportunities. 

That is where commercial property now...

Mar 15, 2020

We all know about the coronavirus as an event which will be with us for some time.  In saying that, there will be plenty of change and churn in the property market from that where people need brokerage help.  Sales or leasing or property management is all the same.  Pressures create solid property...